Sagebrush Sew Along Part 9: Sleeves 'n Hem
This post is the final installment in the Sagebrush Sew Along! We will go over inserting the sleeves and hemming the top.

Sagebrush Sewalong Post 7: Joining Front and Back
We have assembled the front and the back of our Sagebrush and now it is time to join it all together to make our shirt. This post will be a quick but satisfying part of the process!

Sagebrush Sewalong Post 5: Assembling the Front
Time to sew! In this post we will go over assembling the front of the Sagebrush.

Sagebrush Sewalong Post 4: Cut it out!
In this post we will go over a few things to keep in mind when cutting out your pattern. Once you have figured out what size you are making, cut your paper pattern out along the line for your size...

Sagebrush Sewalong Post 3: Getting Ready to Sew
In this post we will cover: How to print and assemble your PDF pattern Taking your measurements and finding your size

Sagebrush Sewalong Post 2: Fabric and Supplies
In this post we will cover selecting fabric for your top and going through what supplies you will need. The Sagebrush is designed for woven fabrics. You have a lot of options when it comes to fabr...

Sagebrush Sewalong Post 1: Getting Inspired
When designing the Sagebrush I was thinking about the type of top I want to wear in a Sacramento Summer. Once summer hits it is over 100 degrees most days and there are a few things that a top must...